Fashion trend: Skinny belt with cardigan

Thursday, October 31, 2013

 So I have a question for all those fashionistas out there and I’m hoping for either pictures or ideas or both..

How in the hell do you do the belt with a sweater look? You know that preppy look with a skinny belt, a cute cardigan and maybe some slim pants or a pencil skirt. I have tried everything under the sun and I cannot get this look down. I see it all over the news and all over the pages in magazines and it looks great, but when I try to do it on my own…it looks a mess. My waist is too…something and my hips just look out of place. I’ve got the skinny belt, and the slim pants and everything and I still cannot get it right.

okay, so in this picture…they are wide leg pants, but I’m still wearing the cardigan and the skinny belt just looks…wrong. the weird part is that when I had just put it on, it looked fine. then after a bit of moving, it looked like this:


Seriously, what am I doing wrong?