The beginning

Monday, October 21, 2013

I have something to admit. Something that may shock you, so sit down.
Are you sitting?
I’m not in my twenties. Not even close. I know, shocking right? Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s move on to the why I had to shatter your dreams.
I like fashion. I like to dress up and look good. I like to impress. It might be the southern in me or the way my mother raised me, but it’s there. I don’t go out the house unless I’m fully ready and if you EVER catch me in sweats and I’m not cleaning or working out…call the padded van. And what I’ve noticed is that there are few blogs with fashion geared towards women my age. Just because I’m not fresh out of college does not mean that I’m not interested in clothing or fashion or in looking good. So I’m making a place for other women like me, women who want to dress and look good and be included in the fashion.
That’s not to say that I don’t take risks or like the latest trend, but at times…those trends are a bit too young for me and all I can hear in my head is my mother, asking me where do I think I’m going. I just…I just can’t do it. I know as well that there are women out there like me, women who like the current trends, but don’t want to look as if they are trying to hard to be young. We’ve been there, done that. This is a different time in our life and we should celebrate it, embrace it as a soft cashmere sweater would embrace us.
Did you like that comparison? Oh I’m good, I know.
This is going to be a great ride. I can see it now…