Fall Bucket List

Monday, September 18, 2017

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Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
-George Eliot

Fall is coming or for some it’s already here and with it, a sense of things coming to an end. Okay, that was morbid, but the truth is that around this time, I get nostalgic and wistful of things that were and used to be. More so now that I have a daughter and she’s growing up WAY too fast for my liking. Just the other day she had colored pencils and was scribbling all over paper on the floor in my office.

I can’t deal.

But it did get me to thinking about all the things that I want to do with my daughter as she’s growing up. Memories that I want to make with her and have pictures to look back on. So, I came up with a bucket list of sorts. Activities that I either never got to do when I was child, always wanted to do or maybe just want to do with her to create our own reminiscences.

Fall Bucket List 2017:

·      Visit a pumpkin patch
·      Visit a haunted house (something age appropriate)
·      Go trick or treating
·      Go on a hayride
·      Carve a real pumpkin
·      Bake
·      Clean from top to bottom (fall cleaning is more for me but still…)
·      Take family photos
·      Stock the pantry for winter
·      Stomp on crunchy leaves
·      Finish an old cross sticth project
·      Walk through local old town on a sunny day