Bargain of the day!
I love after Christmas sales. You can smell the desperation in the air as the stores try to sell of last year’s wares and make room for the new stuff; the eagerness of shoppers to buy things they don’t really need because they want to get the best deal. The anxiety of people trying to return a thing before it’s too late and they have to keep it…It’s great. It really is. So yesterday, I was in the middle of the throngs, doing my own shopping, when I happened into The Gap. I haven’t been into the store in ages, but I though what the hey, why not? The boyfriend was being angsty, wanting to buy something but not taking my advice and refusing to try anything on. As if stuff will just magically appear if you whine enough. *eye roll* Anyways, I hit the clearance rack, pretty sure I was not going to find anything…until I saw this little number
(the picture does not do it justice until you try it on.)
And the price tag
Who in their right mind is going to pass this up? I had to try it on to make sure, but it fit well and it was cute. This can go from summer to winter with some basic accessories like tights and boots or some cute flats during spring and summer. A nice easy fabric, you know I took it home.