I know, not quite the same, but figured that the quality should be on par since it’s the same company and all. I brought it home and just oohed and awed over it for a bit, thinking of all the looks I could do with it.
I probably should have done some swatches while I was at Ulta before brining it home, but this one was up at the registers, so not really the place to be testing things out. As you can see below, I’m the color pigmentation is okay, but not at all what I was expecting from glancing at the full palette’s.
One the arms, the colors show up alright, but on the lid, I have to be honest that the colors did not show up the way I was hoping for. I know one has to build and blend, but I felt that if I had actually dug into the shadows, I would have received better color pay off. The good part is that there was no fallout or heavy chunks like I found in the lorac gold palette (another story).
The neutrals in this palette are nice and could probably be used as transition colors. Some of the other colors though are a bit light, almost ashy on my skin tone and they will not be used for much.
In the end, I’m not sure how much usage I’ll get out of it, but I do plan to keep it and try to work it into a few looks. It is good for travel and maybe with a nice base, these colors will pop better.