Dining room chairs- before

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

As a recap…this is what we are working towards:

b1ada75077a151adc9b08145d705f8b4I really like the blue and gray color scheme. It’s calm, cool, sophisticated and elegant.

3d764c031449e562a1c8858049c64521 I am very into the traditional look, not so much a fan of the whole modern thing. It’s too cold and sterile to me. Not that there aren’t elements that I enjoy, but not all over. Traditional is cozy and lived in, as if you have been in the house forever. This look in particular catches my eye because of the colors and the elegance it exudes. I know that I won’t be able to recreate the whole look, but I’m going to get as close as I can.


So I found these chairs by the trash

IMG_0503IMG_0504and I just knew that they would be perfect in the space. Of course, I don’t have a table at this point, but I just knew that I would find something to fit. Back to the chairs.

Something about the lines and how good they would look painted a deep gray.IMG_0502

They were originally covered in this dirty green stripe fabric IMG_0500that was just not cutting it and the chairs themselves were covered in cobwebs. Not a good look in the least.

I stripped the seat down to the base IMG_0499 and set about getting the chairs into shape. IMG_0501(This is my dad working on the chairs for me. Yay dad!)

They were in pretty bad shape, missing a few rungs and the glue was dried from being outside for a bit (I guess) and just needed a bit of TLC. It took a bit of elbow grease to get the chairs into shape, but well worth it in the end.

Next post…The finished product.